10 Low-Cost Ways you can Save Water at Home

Deep Soak your Lawn

 Water is an important natural resource, covering 3/4th of the earth and playing an important role across all aspects of our productive functioning. The importance of water in our life has demanded that we use this resource efficiently and judiciously. Different industries use water for different uses and means, however its continuous usage has led to a massive shortage all over the world. Take a look at some of the facts regarding water availability from UN. For this reason, it is important for individuals and others alike to try their best in order to conserve water for the coming years and to keep it in order for the future generations. The earth cannot survive if there is no water. And this conservation must start in our own personal capacities at home! We have listed some of the easiest ways to try and save water at home!

Check for leaks

Your bathroom is one of the places that sees the maximum water usage and consumption at home. It is important to ensure that the fittings used there are free of leakage and are inbuilt with water-saving features. For example, you can easily check for leaks in your bathroom by dropping food colouring in the tank of the toilet. If you see that after some time the colouring starts to appear significantly in the bowl without flushing, it is easy to conclude that you have a leak in your bathroom that can lead to significant water wastage. It is important to keep checking for leaks and loose passages for all fittings and pipes in your bathrooms. Remember, that leaks can cause loss of around 100 gallons of water a day!

Turn off the water-faucet while brushing

water while brushing teeth is one of the most common causes of water wastage in the bathroom. Running faucets can lead to loss of over 10 of water per minute! Everyone is guilty of doing this or having done this in the past. It is important to preserve water and also ensure that you are brushing in the right manner. In order to do your bit, you should turn off the faucet after wetting your brush, razor or other instrument of hygiene. Leave the faucet turned off till the time you are brushing or shaving and then turn it on when it is time to rinse!

Run fully loaded dishwashers and washing machines

Use dishwasher when fully loaded

Another simple way you can do our bit to conserve water and save the planet is by ensuring that you only use fully loaded dishwashers and washing machines. In situations when the machines are not fully loaded, make sure that you are using the energy saving settings for light washes and smaller loads. Since using half loads without any special settings on can lead to loss of water anywhere between 50-70 litres per wash, it is advisable to be aware of ways to ensure that you don’t waste any water.

Deep-soak your lawn

Deep Soak your Lawn

Another way in which water tends to get wasted is when incorrect methods are used to water lawns. You can start your watering process by sprinkling water in the morning which is the optimal time to do the same. This ensures that there is no rapid evaporation taking place. You can also ensure that during the watering process in the afternoon or evening, you water the lawn long enough so that it seeps down to the roots where it is needed the most.  Avoid the use of rogue sprinklers which lead to excessive water wastage. Instead, you can optimise the process of watering the lawn by placing the sprinklers while facing the grass so that it is landscaped appropriately in order to have the best result and avoid wastage.

Insulate your pipes

Insulate your Pipes

Another method to ensure that you don’t waste water is by insulating the pipes. Pipes, especially those in the roof and basement areas have to be insulated in order to allow the water to heat up. If insulation does not take place, it takes longer for the water to heat up which further results in longer periods of running water being left on. This can result in situations where there is immense loss of water across operations. In order to prevent this from happening, it is advised that you insulate all the pipes in your house. In case it is not possible, It is advised that you cover the water heating device using a blanket.

Do not run a hose while washing your car

Don't use a hose to wash car

Pretty much like brushing, we all have the tendency to keep the water hose running when we are in the process of cleaning up our cars. This results in losing a great amount of water. You could have saved all this water. You ned to soap the car first without running the hose continuously. After soaping the car sufficiently till lather forms on the car, you can use the hose pipe to wash your car. This is the ideal way of cleaning your car and also ensuring that no water is being wasted. This way, you’ll get a shining car and make sure that you waste no water.

Using brooms for daily cleaning

A Lot of unnecessary water wastage happens in everyday cleaning and tidying activities around the house. It is advisable to not use water while cleaning driveways, sideways, stairways, steps and other nooks and corners of your house. A simple broomstick with rapid brushing can help in cleaning these areas sufficiently and with ease. Also, a broom does not require any preparation and we can be easily use it all across the house. Using water to clean these parts of the house using a hose can waste hundreds of gallons of water throughout the day. Since every bit counts, it is important to incorporate this in your daily cleaning activities.

Grow a layer of mulch in your lawn

Modifications in the lawn structure and the plants grown can also contribute to reduction in the overall wastage of water in your house. Having a layer of water-saving mulch around trees and plants in the lawn is one such method. Mulching reduces the process of surface evaporation. It also ensures that soil erosion gets controlled. This, in turn, allows conservation of soil moisture and prevents water wastage. It also enables the reduction of surface evaporation along with regulating soil temperature. This decreases the overall demand for irrigation.

Collect rainwater (rainwater harvesting)

Rainwater harvesting is an effective way to save water at home. We can collect rain water and use it various household tasks such as cleaning, washing, watering the gardens etc. This reduces water wastage and is very good for environment.

Use buckets instead of a Shower for bathing

Using a bucket instead of a shower for bathing can save up to 40 litres of water per bath. Moreover, if you are heating water before the bath, that much more water gets warmed up. This means warming water needs that much more energy. This is not an ideal situation, especially if you are looking to save water at home.

So, here it is! These were some of the most economical ways to save water at home. It is important to remember that every bit counts! Just a little bit of effort can ensure that you are not wasting any water in your home.  Doing little things can go a long way in reducing the amount of water wasted and ensuring a safer and better life for the generations to come! For more tips on how to make smart home choices, check out some of our articles!


Mayank Bhola is a content writer and a freelance journalist. He has completed his graduation in journalism from Panjab University Chandigarh. After interning in newspapers like Aaj Samaj and Daily Post he has started doing freelancing. He is currently working as a content writer in ChandigarhTimes.net

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